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順天鄕大學 孔子學院



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pISSN : 2713-8356

沽山中國學報 , Vol.7 (2023)



(한국외국어대학교 역사문화연구소 연구교수)

四川 지역은 다른 지역과 달리 이미 東漢 시기부터 鐵錢을 사용하였으며, 北宋 이 後蜀을 평정한 이후에 실시한 일련의 정책을 통하여 鐵錢 專用지역으로 변화하 게 되었다. 그렇지만 가장 중요한 원인은 북송초기 후촉을 평정하고 실시된 상공정책 때문이었을 가능성이 크다. 宋初 통일 전쟁으로 인하여 중앙 정부의 재정이 부족하 게 되었다. 이 부족을 보충하기 위하여 지방의 財貨를 중앙으로 모으는 상공정책을 실시하였다. 이러한 와중에 경제가 비교적 발전되고 경제가 잘 보존된 四川지역이 더 많은 피해를 보게 되었던 것이다. 즉, 上供政策으로 인하여 四川지역에서 대량의 銅錢이 開封府로 보내지고 開寶 3년(970)에 四川지역으로 銅錢의 유입을 禁하는 政策을 시행함으로써, 四川지역은 鐵錢 專用지역으로 탈바꿈하게 되었다. 비록 四川지역을 鐵錢 專用지역으로 정한다는 법령이 내려진 것은 아니었지만, 銅錢이 대량 유출되고 유입은 차단됨으로 인해 四川지역에서 銅錢의 流通量은 급 격히 감소하였다. 四川지역에서 貨幣 유통량이 감소하게 되자 宋 朝廷은 景德 2년 (1005)에 景德大鐵錢을 주조하였지만, 시장에서 제대로 된 가치로 유통되지 못하였 다. 결국 景德大鐵錢 보다 중량이 절반 정도인 祥符大鐵錢을 또 다시 鑄造하였다. 사천지역에서 철전을 전용하게 되면서 나타나게 되는 가장 큰 문제점은 철전의 가 치하락으로 인한 백성들의 경제생활에서의 불편이었다. 이러한 현상을 “錢輕物重”이 라 하는데 화폐의 가치가 하락하면서 인플레이 현상이 나타나게 되는 것이다. 사천 지역이 다른 지역과 달리 이러한 특이성을 갖게된 근본적인 원인은 송조 정부의 재 정 부족이 가장 큰 원인이고, 철전의 주조량이 기하급수적으로 증가함으로써 철전의 가치 하락하였고 그 영향은 고스란히 백성의 부담이 되었다. 북송시기 사천지역에서 처음을 유통된 지폐인 交子는 철전 사용의 불편함으로 인 하여 등장하였다는 것이 학계의 정설이다. 교자의 탄생은 철전의 중량과 함께 사천지 역이 다른 지역과 비교하여 경제가 발달한 지역이었기에 가능하였다. 그렇지만 교자의 발행과 더불어 교자를 남발하게 되면서 교자의 가치가 하락하게 되었고, 결국 교 자는 錢引으로 이름을 바뀌어 발행하였다.

A study on the monetary economy of Sicuan province In the A study on the monetary economy of Sicuan province In the Northern Song dynasty


In the Northern Song[宋] Dynasty, the iron coin was changed with several reasons. For solving the lack of the amount of the coins in circulation in Sicuan[四川] province and the financial crunch of the central government, the government minted iron coin that costs less expensive and issued the official Jiaozi[交子] to cut down on coinage charges. However, the financial crisis became worse because of the war with Western Xia[西夏] during the era of Xining[熙寧, 1068-1077]. In Shaanxi[陝西] province, the iron coin was minted in large quantities and flowed down into Sicuan province. The inflow of iron coin led to the devaluation of iron coin in Sicuan province. In the Northern Song, the iron coin of Sicuan province underwent the three huge changes. First, the government implemented a policy in Sicuan province after the occupation of Shu[蜀]. It caused the rapid decrease in circulation of cooper coin. In Sicuan province, both cooper coin and iron coin had been circulated. However, iron coin was only used in Sicuan province after the implementation of the policy. Second, the large iron coin of Jinde[景德大鐵錢] and Xiangfu[祥符大鐵錢] were minted during the regime of Emperor Zhenzong[眞宗]. The government minted the coin of Jinde and circulated to solve the lack of the amount of the coins in circulation. However, the government ignored the drawback of the coin that it is differ between the nominal value and real value. The drawback caused 'the lack of the amount of coins in circulation and resulting inflation[錢輕物 重]. The solution to resolve the drawback of the coin was casting small iron coin or cooper coin in bulk and circulating them in Sicuan province. However, the government newly minted the coin of Xiangfu that the weight is half of the old coin and put that into circulation because of the shortage of coins and the government's financial crunch. Third, in the regime of Zhenzong, a phenomenon that the supply of iron coin was outstripping demand occurred after issuing unofficial Jiaozi and the coin of Xiangfu during the era of Jiayou[嘉祐, 1056-1063]. Therefore, the casting iron coin was discontinued for a decade from 1059 year[嘉祐 4]. After the issuing unofficial Jiaozi, most of the iron coin in Sicuan province stored as the reserve fund of Jiaozi with the government issued Jiaozi. As increasing the amount of Jiaozi that was issued, the demand of iron coin was decreased. The policy that stopping the casting for 10 years, the price had stabilized. However, because of the overissue of Jiaozi, the policy had been of no effect. Jiaozi was appeared instead of iron coin that is inconvenience to use. That story has been cast in stone as historical fact. The appearance of Jiaozi was possible due to Sicuan province economically developed with the weight of iron coin. However, the excessive issuance of Jiaozi caused it's depreciation of the currency. After all, Jiaozi was replaced a new form of bank note called Qianyin[錢引]. In the era of the Northern Song dynasty, Sicuan province was a particular area in the people's economic activity. The rest of the Song dynasty was able to use both cooper and iron coin. However, iron coin was only used in Sicuan province. This caused the boost in prices, 'the lack of the amount of coins in circulation and resulting inflation', and the falling iron coin. One of the biggest causes of the falling iron coin was the financial deficit of the Song government. In the end, Sicuan province was the particular monetary economy area to resolve the lack of finance of the Song dynasty.

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